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Grain de Chi
Taiji Qigong
Méthode 1
"Peng qi guan ding fa"
Wei Qi Feng Laoshi
Méthode 1
"Peng qi guan ding fa"
Xi Xiao Feng Laoshi
Méthode 1
"Peng qi guan ding fa"
Tao Qingyu
Méthode 2
"Xing shen zhuang"
Wei Qi Feng Laoshi
Méthode 1
"Peng qi guan ding fa"
Dr Pang He Ming
Zhineng Qigong
Zhineng Qigong
séance de soin du Dr Pang
Pang's healing session
"Posture du grand cavallier"
"Great horse stand"
Wei qi feng laoshi
"Ballons Tai Ji"
"Tai ji ball"
Wei qi feng laoshi
Son/Sound "N"
Dr Pang
Séance de soin
Healing session
Xi xiao feng
Meditation debout
Standing Meditatiion
"Les 3 centres se joignent"
"3 centres merge"
Wei Qi Feng Laoshi
"Tree levels theory of matter"
proposed by Dr Pang He Ming
Presented by
Ooi Kean Hin
Pratique de la premire méthode sur... Un vélo !
racticing First method on ...Bike !
Vidéos exercices/Pratiques au quotidien
Un exemple de pratique quotidienne
An example of daily practice :
"Etirement des 4 côtés" suivi du "Mouvement de la chenille" (ondulations de la colonne) suivi de "Flexions face au mur"(qui peuvent aussi se pratiquer sans le mur).
"Stretch 4 sides" followed by the "caterpillar mouvement" (waves of the column) followed by "Wall squats" (which can also be practiced without the wall).
"Wall squats"
Une petite méditation assise avec le son Shen Ji dans le palais Shen Ji ?
A small sitting meditation with sound "Shen Ji" in the Shen Ji palace?
Méditation assise
Sitting meditation
"Respiration de la porte du ciel"
"Heaven's gate breathing"
fromWei qi feng laoshi's teachings
presented by
Florence Giraudon-Thengi
Versions: Space 20mn ou Ciel bleu 50mn
Space 20mn or
Blue sky 50mn version
Pratique avec
Practice with
Wei Qi Feng Laoshi
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